Why Choose

Your dental prosthetic technicians.

Everdent brings positive change to people’s lives through unparalleled craftsmanship in dental prosthetics that correct, protect, and enhance oral health. We are committed to exceptional customer service and productive, support-based industry relationships.

Custom Mouthguards for Athletes

Each individual’s mouth and teeth are different. So, a one-size-fits-all mouthguard won’t give you the protection you need. In fact, poorly fitted mouthguards can cause greater damage when hit with intense force.

Our mouthguards help athletes who want a better fit, better protection and the best performance. They are specifically designed to absorb and protect against impact based on your sport, activity level and unique framework.

Whitening Trays

Whitening gel trays are moulded to your teeth, providing dentist-quality, customised mouthguards that fit perfectly. This helps to make your whitening efforts much more effective, giving you a brighter, whiter smile in no time.


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